

The government would allow college tuition fees to rise by as much as 18% over four years; this does not appear to be a long-term solution, however. 

這六種句型固然文法都准確,但不代表各種情形利用都很得當,尤其是第(3)和第(6)種句型 翻譯第二個句子若是很長,就不宜將毗鄰副詞放在句尾 翻譯社而第(4)(5)(6)三種句型都是用分號隔開兩個句子,句子間的關係相對於第(1)(2)(3)三種句型要來得親近。

Ethnomethodology does not deny the existence of a “common culture”. However 翻譯公司 the precariousness of social interaction is exactly that what this “common culture” is not.

(2)   S + V . S , 毗連副詞 , + V .

This essay is concerned with assessing the strengths and weaknesses of Individualism and Collectivism, and the main issue under consideration is how far these opposing ontologies disprove each other. 

具有以上的觀念以後,我們還可以綜合之前在逗號一節2.4中所講述,連接副詞也能置於句中或句尾 翻譯句型,經由分列組合就會構成以下六種可以代換的公式,請特別留意其標點符號的利用:


The government would allow college tuition fees to rise by as much as 18% over four years. This does not appear to be a long-term solution, however. 

3.1 分號可貫穿連接兩個語意關係親昵(closely related)的句子,此時不消連接詞如and 翻譯公司 or, but 翻譯公司 for, not, yet等,以下例:

Ethnomethodology does not deny the existence of a “common culture”; however, the precariousness of social interaction is exactly that what this “common culture” is not.

(1)   S + V . 毗連副詞 翻譯公司 S + V .


    英文 翻譯分號也和中文分號一樣,用來分開意義慎密、地位相等或並列的兩個句子 翻譯社它在間斷辭意 翻譯語氣上比逗號強烈,但又比句號稍弱。英文分號還有一些文法上的要求,容易與逗號和句號的用法混合。進一步切磋則有以下幾種主要用法。 

The government would allow college tuition fees to rise by as much as 18% over four years; this does not, however 翻譯公司 appear to be a long-term solution. 

* This essay is concerned with assessing the strengths and weaknesses of Individualism and Collectivism。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯; and the main issue under consideration is how far these opposing ontologies disprove each other. 

This essay is concerned with assessing the strengths and weaknesses of Individualism and Collectivism; the main issue under consideration is how far these opposing ontologies disprove each other.

從分號和句號的功能和用法很接近的概念動身,我們還可以進一步來看有毗連副詞如therefore, thus, however, nevertheless 翻譯公司 furthermore 翻譯公司 moreover 翻譯公司 in other words, in addition, in fact, in contrast, in summary等貫穿連接兩個句子時,也可以把兩句間 翻譯句號改為分號,並把第二句的第一個字母改成小寫,以凸顯兩句間 翻譯緊密關係。如原句:

相幹資訊: http://www.jwbooks.com.tw/catalog/link/SEO34-index.htm

(5)   S + V ; S , 連接副詞 , + V .

申明: 上句實際上是由兩個句子構成,中央用分號離隔,然則不行再加上連接詞,否則就會釀成錯誤的句子如下:

The government would allow college tuition fees to rise by as much as 18% over four years. However, this does not appear to be a long-term solution.

The government would allow college tuition fees to rise by as much as 18% over four years. This does not, however 翻譯公司 appear to be a long-term solution. 


(6)   S + V ; S + V, 毗鄰副詞 .


申明: 此例句可看出分號和句號 翻譯功能和用法很接近,都是直接置於兩個句子中間。但用句號時,兩句的語意關係就不如用分號緊密。 

This essay is concerned with assessing the strengths and weaknesses of Individualism and Collectivism. The main issue under consideration is how far these opposing ontologies disprove each other.